Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I'm ObsEsSeD!!!!

Ok, so when you have changed your template 4 times in a week and you only started blogging like 1 month ago, you have a problem.
Not to mention that you haven't been sleeping for the past 3 days because you are so worried about how to get your slideshow to post. You would think that you were a single, unemployed, non-home owner with not a care in the world, who can sit on the computer day and night BLOGGING!
Hello people, It's me I'm talkin about! After 2, yes I said 2 cups of coffee at 10:30pm to keep me going, I think I figured it out. My awesome sis-in law(and husband) walked me through some stuff and then low and behold my BFF just happens to be awake and walks me through some other important stuff!! Love You Guys!
I knew I didn't want a blog for this very reason. I just can't stop! I'm reading all of yours and updating all of mine and it's like an obsession. I wait for the days to pass so I can post another of what I think is a very insightful post, pics included.
So, when you see me in real, life not via blog, please-DO NOT BE ALARMED- at the bags under my eyes, hair totally messy, no makeup and the same t-shirt in 4 days. I have not started any extra curricular(might I add,ILLEGAL)activities although at the rate I'm going I may need some. No it's just a good old case of the "Can't figure out all the computer lingo for my blog" blues!


Meladie said...

Kerra, you're hilarious...I told you this blogging thing was addicting! BTW I love your new's WAY cute! Can't wait to see ya next week!

Keely said...

OH my goodness....YOU GOT YOUR SLIDESHOW WORKING!!!! I'm SOO happy and proud of you! :) It looks awesome, and so does your new template ;) I'd call right now...but your probably still sleeping from being up all night...(wink!)

Jayci said...

You're so funny! I don't know how to do any complex stuff and I see so many other things on people's blogs & I'm like - holy crap! That's so cute! How do they do that?. My blog is so basic 'cause I'm so computer illiterate! My brother's girlfriend had to help me change my template. & then after it was changed, I wasn't sure I like it!

Jayci said...

Hey! Thank You Thank You for the info about the 'Gluten stuff'! Um, where did you get your 'body typing' done? Who does that? That sounds so awesome to know how your body processes different foods.

** Adrian ** said...

Hey--I love the new look!! Sorry I didn't ever get back to you on the slideshow. It looks great!! I can TOTALLY relate to the whole ObsEsSeD feeling! I've had to give myself some limits otherwise I think I'd just blog ALL DAY LONG!! If you ever want a custom header let me know--I have a lot of fun making them!

scott and melanie said...

I'm glad you are as crazy as me!!I'm addicted to blogging, i just told Scott that tonight that i seriously have a problem. Why can't i be addicted to working out or something else besides sitting on my fat a**!!haha!I can't sleep over the sh** either(potty mouth)Call me up we need to set our dinner date kerra babes!

Nicole said...

So I had to search for your t.v. thing, but I found it. What a cute little boy (if I haven't told you already). Also, you look AMAZING! Sorry to hear abour Brandon. Hopefully he'll come around. I always enjoyed being around your family. It doesn't seem like it be 11 years ago that we were lying to cops about toilet paperen and eaten the heck out of hogie yogie! Tell Sara I said hello. By the way, I too am totally in love with blogging.

Malea and Parx said...

haha you are so funny Kerra... Im glad Im not the only blog nerd... I too am finally figuring out how to do everything!

Holli Slack said...

You CHANGED it again from when I was helping you the other night. It looks cute still. I agree that it is very addicting, but that's okay, at least we know what is going on with each other......RIGHT!!! I know that I already told you this, but I love your slideshow. I think that I might have to go and make one myself. Talk to you soon!!! Love Ya! Holls

Malea and Parx said...

haha thanks! I shop the clearance at dillards.. they have good deals on baby clothes. yeah that is my bed... I liked it too but my moms stupid dog keeps jumping up on it and now it is all snagged...

Stocks Family said...

Kerra you're so funny! I love reading your blog! If it makes you feel better I saw the guestbook slideshow thing on Melanie's page and wanted to do it on my blog. I spent like 3 hours trying to figure it out and couldn't. I'm so frusterated! Jared does all the web design stuff! I just post pictures and write everyone!
- Chelsea

The Venutis said...

I was obsessed when I first started, dont worry you will soon get a grip on yourself. Joby said tell Justin there is group therapy for husbands who have lost their wives to blogging.

The Grantham Family said...

I love that you are a blogger and update! I have been blogging for over a year and still don't know how to change the background without erasing all my links...I need YOUR help now! Don't worry, we are all obsessed in some sick way or another. Only, I find myself just keep clicking and linking onto random people that have cute names! Is it weird when you see people and know their names and their kids names.... not that I am admitting it or anything!

scott and melanie said...

You nuts! You changed it again....were you up tell 1 in the morn. you better go to bed your gonna start getting dark circles under your eyes:)That is funny what heidi put about group therapy for our husbands.Who lost there wives in the bloggin' world..........Love the new page it fits ya! Leave it alone now for just maybe one night of good sleep.

T.K. said...

Yah I am so glad you found me!! And don't worry I have been doing this for a year and I am still addicted!! Tell Sara she needs to get started too, I am adding you so we 2 can stay in touch with ur little familia, and it was so good to see you guys even though it wasn't under the best circumstances. Take care, happy posting, pics, slides. music and more it's a riot!!

** Adrian ** said...

Hey--you changed AGAIN! I LOVE IT!! =D Great job!! said...

hello kerra,
your family is sooo cute. & your bloggin obsession is AWESOME, i love it, im jelious. ive been a little rusty the last month. but im fully prepared to get on it. u r defently going to b added to the grovee friends list.

Amberlee said...

I am so glad you left me a lil ole comment. Welcome to the bloggin world, fun stuff eh! You look great, how do you do it? Your kids are so cute! I am still prego, although now I just feel like a weeble wobble. I will be sure to check in on your little fam.

Nicole said...

I thought of a memory this week that I haven't thought of in years. My grandparents had a mountain lion come into town and kill their 3 sheep that are right next to their house. Do you remember when we drove to Delta to the late show and watched the Ghost and the Darkness? That was a creepy drive home!

Nicole said...

My memory is not the best. I honestly thought it was just me and you. Am I wrong?

Jamie said...

Wow - you need to hang up the towel girl. Maybe you can start a bloggers anonymous association.

Krause Crew said...

Hey Kerra,
Thanks for the comment on our blog, my wife is addicted to blogging too. Looks like you're doing well, you've got a good lookin' family, your little boy is really handsome. St. George is one of the places I'd like to start practicing. I need to start looking for jobs soon, it's scary to actually enter the real world after so much school. Take care, and my wife changed our blog template like 3 times in one day, so I think 4 times is some kinda record.

Christina P. said...

Hey Kerra!! I found your blog through Lindsay's. You are a funny girl. I have to force myself to not get onto the computer. If I do, before I know it 3 hours have gone by and my house is trashed and I have no idea where my kids are. It is a hazard!! Anyways, I am glad I found your blog. Your family is darling!!

Megan Andersen said...

Hey it's better then filling our brain with all that shit that's on T.V. now right?! Oh! And seriously you have a SMOKIN' don't need to run marathons girl. You've already got what we marathon runners are trying to achieve!! I love the look of your blog right now--don't change it!!!

MKTaylor said...

Kerra, you seriously crack me up! I miss you and I love catching up on your blog, so keep doing it girl.... it almost makes it feel like you never moved away : )

Malea and Parx said...

you need to come see me about that neck problem