Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My Worst Nightmare

wow, nice root. We could eat off of that for weeks

Now a straight shot to the pool! Can you see it, the small blue thing in the distance? K-Mart special

I thought this morning glory was so beautiful with the white and purple flowers so I let it grow. BIG mistake!

No more pretty

a little forest

what forest?

So, um, yah... For those of us stay at home moms who do nothing but watch soaps and daydream all day while our children change, feed and play all by themselves; I decided to start a revoultion!

We have some very uninvited guests that creep their nasty little selves into our yard every WEEK!!! I'm talking 'bout wEeDs. You may have seen them in the unkept yard of your unruly neighbor or since every house on the block is in foreclosure, you may have seen them there.

Well ladies (and gents for those of our hubbys who pretend not to read our blogs and blogs of our friends) I have them too. I decided to shut off my soaps and finally give Dylan some food and check to make sure he was still breathing and get outside and pull these suckers. I took the guess work out of it for all of you with a before and after and even a rOoT picture.

I hope you can all appreciate your homeowners association fee that you have to pay and mine doesn't really make sense since no ASSOCIATION comes by to mow my grass or pull my wEeDs, but rather I, the homeowner does it.

Here's what it took to FILL UP! Holy freakin cow people.

Do I look like I just got hit by a semi? I felt like it. A cool 100 and I'm out picking weeds. Oh, don't mind the HUGE scab on my face. I went and saw Carol at Asia Nails and looks like a little more then hAiR came off that upper lip:( oh Carol, me lip no feel so good
P.S. I was getting a close up so you could see the sweat beading from me

What the Heck? Did someone holla "Get a Freakin Gardner"


Lisa said...

Hey there you sexy little gardener! Yep, I found your cute little blog! How the heck are ya? I was hopin to see you when you were up here for your big reunion, but no such luck. I love your self portrait of how sexy you are when you garden!!! Loves ya, Lis

Jayci said...

You are so freakin' funny! I'm not much of a weeder myself & when helping others out with their weeding, I've been know to 'weed' the wrong plants - whoops! I know from personal experience that morning glory is a bitch! Oh - I just laughed when I read this. Love you, girl!

Melanie said...

YAY - you have a bloggity blog. I was laughing my head off when I read this. Everything you said is totally TRUE!!! I also pay a HOA fee every month, and I'm not so sure why??!!!! I ventured into my backyard for the first time in a month, only to find....THISTLE...that's right..remember weed day? Cove Fort? I have that growing in my **$%@) back yard! You have inspired me to tackle the beast, cause my husby won't be doing it any time soon. K, now I've left you a small novel! Bye & Luvs :D