Saturday, March 14, 2009


Have you ever been spit on, pee'd on or farted on?

Running: It's Just What Happens


Mark and Niki said...

Oh yes, but can you guess which one!!! Yucky!!!

Boo and Sara said...

LOL! I need to run so bad! I just don't have the motivation all by myself in the heat with lots of humidity. I can find every excuse in the book not to work out :). I will call you when I get back in town.

Nicole said...

yes, yes, and yes. And i don't even run!

Holli Slack said...

Okay....They are all so disgusting! I can say yes to one of them. Maybe that is why I'm not a runner! I am so proud of you!!!!
Love you guys! said...

woweeee... u go girl!! i hear ya!!

Nicole said...

Kerra, a couple of my friends down here are wondering who my "weird" friend is that doesn't like Disneyland!